Hey Linions.
I am here to bring you my Mayflower experience~!.
Nah, not really.
Just, hopefully, a short one on me and the school since I have
Whoop whoop!.
It's quite sad that I had to spend 5 years getting (or trying) to know everyone and then BAM I have to restart everything once again next year.
Ah, alright let's just get it on.
I am the kind of person who thinks that the place/where you go dont really matter, but the people that you are going with/will be with throughout are the ones that will determine how much you'll laugh, cry, learn and etc.
So even though Mayflower wasn't my first choice of school, the people I met were pretty insanely awesome.
I'm sure I've mentioned tonnes of times which year is my favorite out of all in Mayflower.
Awwwyeah, that year had a pretty lot going on which were extremely memorable and pretty much worth remembering, in my opinion.
Probably because 1st;
I hit upper secondary and my lil' brother entered the school. ^^
And of course, what I had been wishing for ever since I knew her.
Obviously we knew each other and totally clicked since Secondary One.
But I was in a D class and she was in an E class.
I got sooo sick of having to meet only during recess and Mother Tongue lessons that I actually opted for an E class for my Upper Secondary years so WE COULD UNITE.
Lololol, it was crazy crazy crazy.
I remember how we fought to sit beside each other and I remember how during Chemistry we talked about Australia and in Bio I slept for two whole periods while you copied down notes for me and how we would get super excited if we were banded into the same classes and how you will always hit me at any time of the day and how we were next to each other during exams. :D
You never ever EVER failed to make me smile even after you gave me hell :P and you made my secondary schoool awesome as heck, so thank you.
Love you Atiqa!. :')
Oh and then there's this insane girl who stuck by me ever since I entered the school.
(I dont remember anything about that stuffed toy. Do you, Kesh?. :/)
She was like my sidekick ever since Secondary One, and although we entered different classes in Sec 3, she always kept a lookout for me, till now.
It was kinda funny because she is the total opposite of me, always getting me into trouble. :'D
But there's no other person that can ever match you, babe, the way you take things to go your way and the things you want all on its own is just crazy.
I dont think many people can see how much of a loyal, lovely friend you are.
Love you Keshini :')
Here's 3Endeavour 2010 "surprising" our Bio teacher at 710am because it was his birthday.
Here's about a quarter of 3Endeavour'10 on an excursion.
The rest did not attend school lol.
It was pretty fun, though.
We caught fishes if I'm not wrong. :3
In the bus back from camp.
That would be me, Atiqa, Huili, Denice and Sharmini, by the way.
3E'10 at the school's National Day celebrations.
And then I had a real short time in 2011 where the only significant event was SYF.
Which I also cannot forget because Malay Dance rocks and we had a helluva time together.
Also, the SYF piece, and on the SYF day itself, April 12th, was my last performance with the dancers, seniors, juniors and all. :')
Who would've thought.
Then the extra year, 2012.
I remember being discharged from the hospital exactly the day before school started, so I was dreading school so much.
Plus, my self-esteem was so low down because of my appearance at that time.
(But we shall not get into that.)
So I was super surprised when there were actually people who spoke to me.
One of the first that I got to know, like got to know was this girl right here.
Who I really did not expect to talk to much AT ALL (lol).
She was there for me the whole year, and I really really do appreciate it.
I mean, there's really no reason for me not to, because she made me laugh and she was there for me, and I just think that matters alot.
Thank you Qiaozhen :)
And then
Who I did not see coming into my life, but she did and she made a difference too.
She's a really cozy person, and so easy to talk to.
Also, she secretly loves my brother a lot.
Also also, she's the first person I went out with from the class!.
Thank you Andrea. :)
Yu Ting, the first time I talked to her was during Geog.
This girl flippin taught me all of the upper secondary maths topics, and I did not even ask her to!!
Hahahaha love how we will just talk about anime and results and stuff.
Really got a lot to thank her for :)
Thank you Yu Ting. :)
And some pictures from today;
HuiQi and Amanda.
Amanda looked so quiet that I was so surprised at how easy it was to make her laugh and talk to her the first time I did!.
Hahaha :3
And these are the humans who had been there for me, from start to finish. :)
Mad thanks to them, really.
It's thanks to them that I actually feel a tad more brave to come to school and face whatever I had to, and thanks to them for making me have something to look forward to when coming to school, and they have never failed to make me laugh and smile every single time I am around them.
The four and five years of friendship truly, really meant something to me.
And I really cant thank them enough.
Thank you so very much you girls, Amirah Ashiqin Fatin Adillah Zilah.
Really, thank you. :')
And the next thing is the opportunities the school offered and gave me.
I have never regretted joining Malay Dance, you guys.
I was super hesitant to join Malay Dance because I am not entirely awesome with other Malay people (heh) and I have never danced in my life before, so it was nervewrecking.
PLUS, no one I knew was joining it with me.
Yes, Amirah did, but I didn't know her yet at the time!.
BUT ever since Sec 1 there was just always something major I had to participate in.
I didn't get to participate in SYF'08 because we were lacking dancers.
Like REALLY lacking.
I remember it was just the four of us, and we were mad close to each other.
That's Amirah, Syamim, Myself and Atiqa.
We were AAs, so yeah we practically got involved in everything together.
Sec 2 was AYG and NDP.
The group has grown, so there were more of us!.
LOL, have you spotted me yet?.
This was an awesome performance with the seniors, who were just as crazy as us, if not crazier.
2010, YOG.
Where we were the seniors this time.
Yep, four of us again.
Of course with loads of other juniors which were just as crazy.
Never could forget this event, too many things happened.
Tears, sweat, worry, screaming, punishments.
I think YOG was the ONLY time where you can see me scream at other people, you know like to ask them to really run/assemble/get into formation quickly and stuff.
No joke, though, when you keep having to run up and down an army camp's parade square, which also includes up and down a hill, or ask every one to be on count, and you have to keep repeating the running and dancing countless times because of a handful of people..
it can really drive you to the edge.
I never really scolded my dancers because I loved them too much. ^^
USS for YOG Workforce Appreciation Day which was absolutely extremely just mad crazy FUN. :D
Like I've mentioned, was SYF, which was also super fun because all of those I have been dancing with danced with me!.
Also, Kem Obor, which I went for twice because it was so fun ahahahahah. :D
(This one's in 2010)
I also came back to school in 2011 to check out their practice for Varitey Show.
2010's Racial Harmony Day. :3
But I guess it's also all the other outings with them.
Be it a movie, bowling (we used to bowl quite frequently I think), shopping, or even just lunch or dinner.
We will just always, always, always laugh from when we see each other to when we part.
Yeah these girls are the closest ones I had (and still do have).
They always say "be around those who brings you higher" and I can truly say that these girls did.
Like seriously.
I told you.
That's a pretty high jump dont you think?. :3
Of course there are also the teachers who made everything so much more comfortable and easy for me ever since..
Left; Ms Balan, my form teacher for 4E'11.
And right; Mdm Parimala, my form teacher for 4E'12.
Anddd Mdm Suhailah, my dance teacher i/c since Secondary 1 to 4'11. :)
Headed to school with the bro, because it would be the last time!. :3
Got kisses and a card.
Wrote on cards.
(Top right because I had to kinda let some stuff out in writing after seeing mates taking lower secondary class photos.)
Fahim & Harith who were in placement of the previous two malay boys I knew. :3
Hahaha will prolly never ever ever forget Malay classes where Harith answers all questions, Harith and I answer some questions each, and Fahim doesnt answer at all :P
And all those times they made me giggle uncontrollably because of the things they do or say in class, and everything else.
Oh, and also how they carried my bag during the start of the year.
Yes, thank you for that.
And Mus'ab who totally just left us in Malay class.
He was my only hope in answering questions :(
Ahahahahah I cant stop laughing at this picture because I am only 3/4 his height, I look super short, almost like a midget :(
Hearts. :3
And this was the Graduation Lunch :3
Realised how I write so much on friends, but not on teachers.
I guess its because I spend more time with friends, but nevertheless thank you so much to the teachers who actually noticed of my capabilities and have nominated me for things, and helped me with whatever I needed help in.
Really, thank you ke tahap maksimum, Lin loves you all.
Oh, did I look forward to Graduation?.
Did I cry?.
I just felt like it was different this year, I didn't cry but the thought my previous classes did make me tear.
(Heh, rhymes.)
I didn't really look forward to graduating because I couldn't really find something to be happy or sad about.
I just really never liked change, and the thought of having to accept it makes me think alot more than I should.
The year ended faster than I saw it coming, and I must say I am glad not having to attend school only because of the certain times where I feel extremely tired or uncomfortable or having the thought of being around that many people.
Really though, when I think of whatever my friends from Sec1-4 has done for me, I really feel like giving them a huuuuge hug.
I just really cant compare.
I think the first thing I've learned from this class is the word "Judge".
I kept hearing "Dont judge me" "Stop judging me" "Why is everyone judging me" throughout the year.
And I never really had the thought of judging people, or being judged by people as much as I do now.
Funny how you can be afraid of being judged by people, but at the same time you are judging people at the same time too.
But then again, whenever I try to write about the class, I cant really seem to do so.
I'll always just stare at the screen or the piece of paper, not knowing what to write, only realising that I actually do not know anything about the class.
But I guess it doesn't matter, because I managed to survive the year thanks to some really awesome humans.
And the class has been pretty nice to me, so I guess that's all there is to it, and it was a nice random experience to be with the class.
I never once thought of actually being around this cohort, but I landed in it, and it was just..my God..thanks you guys, for..I dont know.
And for Endeavour10-11, I just find it a lil' odd that I remember the weirdest, randomest things we've done together lol.
Like, really super random stuff that I dont think nobody would bother to remember haha.
But I remember how the class would stand up for each other no matter what, and we shared a common bond or chemistry among each other, where if one of us were angry, another would immediately pick it up and distract another so things dont go out of hand.
How things would get so super awkward but we managed to laugh it off, and how we fought with the "flower" (if you know who I mean) and won :P
And how even during lower secondary my ex-classmates would prank me on April Fools with the lamest pranks EVER and I fell for it.
How you guys made me so flippin mad and locked me out of the studio, just to surprise me for my birthday.
It was insane, you guys, and I miss you all.
I can only thank you this much, this way, and although I might've prolly not made much impact on all your lives (thanks to me being the quieter one all the time) you guys made secondary school pretty darn tolerable ^^
Ah, before the page explodes, I guess I'll just end with one of my favorite pictures.
This was in Secondary 3, during Teachers' Day.
The class had rockstars!. :3
Mayflower was insane all thanks to you guys.
Thanks Mayflower, for everything, but this time I'm out for real. :3