Hi, when you become a Linion, you're gonna look like this ^
Alright let's go right into what the title says.
Yesterday after waking up from my nap, I (for who knows WHY) recalled about the time Aidie came over to my house, sat beside me and was singing Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On THE WHOLE TIME.
I think I have a picture of that day.
Yup, right here.
And then I youtubed Titanic and got real caught up in the documentaries I found.
I know, doing other things when I should be studying and revising.
And, as if reading my blog isn't eating up your precious time already, I suggest you spend 1 hour 31 minutes and 41 seconds to watch this video.
I think the whole story of Titanic is crazy amazing.
Titanic derives from the word Titan, which is a Roman God with meaning "huge", "strength" and so on.
Titanic also has an elder sister, Olympic.
I'm not going to go into why it sank and things like that but I just noticed some things.
When they showed in the video upon when they found the Titanic, I was pretty well amazed.
She was still there, like waiting on people to find her.
She was like a tomb.
She was like a mission from God, testing humans.
To me, it also shows how truly amazing God is, how He can make something and take it all away.
What also left me in thoughts was that J. Bruce Ismay, one of the persons who created Titanic, said no and wanted to bring the minimum number of lifeboats that was legal to carry.
Well, what if he allowed Thomas Andrews to let Titanic carry all the lifeboats?.
Ismay also SURVIVED the tragedy.
He got onto the lifeboats when they were calling out for "Women & Children", and "turned away, unable to watch his creation sink".
Now, how so selfish was that?!.
He could have let Thomas Andrews save so many more lives, make Thomas Andrews more of a hero than he already is!.
Remember the Titanic movie?.
Thomas Andrews was in his first-class smoking room, staring at a painting above the fireplace, then sitting in his chair alone with the lifejacket on the table as the ship went down.
He was also seen throwing deck chairs frantically into the waters for people to use as floating devices.
I dont know bout you, but his actions are pretty frikkin heroic.
And then we come to Captain Edward John Smith, of course.
This was his last voyage, as he wanted to retire after this.
Who knew it WAS going to be his last voyage, ironically and literally?.
I dont know if you know, but as a captain of a ship, if anything happens to the ship, the captain MUST let all his passengers off safely first and then he can leave the ship.
Either that, or he goes down with the ship..which he sadly had to. :'(
He was overall in charge, and, like the video said, we just cannot imagine what on earth it might have felt like to have to make the decision, to turn right or left, as they were nearing the iceberg.
Then there were also the musicians who just kept playing music on the top deck as people were running around to save themselves.
Because they believed that "music makes you feel better". :')
And also the firemen and the rest who worked down low in the engine room.
They kept in the heat, filling coal in to keep the engine running for as long as it can.
That by the time they ran to the top deck no more lifejackets were left.
There are other figures I'd love to talk about, but if I were to mention them all this post woud never end.
And I love how the video gave images of how the windows looked like when it was just made and with people in it.
Like it gives you real life visuals, you can "see" how happy the passengers were and stuff like that.
And to think there were people who touched the bottles and rails, and wonder who was the last to touch it?.
Whoa huh.
Really shows how beautiful Titanic was and how it's so worn out.
She really shouldn't be sitting on the seabed being eaten up.
But then again maybe it was quite right, to be going back down to nature.
And can I just mention that I'm not fond of ships and pretty much the sea?.
Although I do agree the beach could be beautiful.
But Titanic was such a real beauty.
It's almost unreal.
Personally, I dont think I'll EVER go on a ship/cruise/whatever.
I know myself, and so I know that I am no good when it comes to deep waters.
I remember going on a sampan once years ago on a Mangrove trail or something like that in Langkawi.
At first I was fne, and then I got real seasick and just wasn't feel right.
I also remember during YOG two years ago.
The "backstage" was a floating "platform" and I had to stand right at the edge of the platform and then on the other edge the previous act was RUNNING to clear the backstage.
And I was so freaked out, imagining horrible things, I started to hyperventilate and started crying.
Thank God there were super cute juniors who tried to distract me ("imagine you're on a bed and there's people jumping on it!" lol thanks Shuling :D) and Amirah who proved to me all th powers tutting could do!. :>
So I know that my phobia for deep waters is so deep (lol, see what I did there?. :P) that I will not, in a million trillion gazillion years, DARE to go on a ship for DAYS.
Drowning is just rather..I dont want to float on water till my body is found.
That is if I'll even be found.
I just would rather die on land and go back into land, get what I mean?.
Or maybe I'm just a pretty religious-thinking person.
Cant help but to think God is really so amazing, so strong.
He made it all so possible.
He made such an impact into the world.
Man was so confident that the ship was unsinkable, but He proved man wrong just like that.
The video is also right though, the men on the ship was so courageous to tell their wives and children that they will "meet again later".
To really look at their wives and children and say that, it's just crazy.
How many times their hearts might have broken, over and over again, is just unthinkable.
Shows so much of your character and things like that.
But, in a way, they will meet again.
I hope they do.
Lastly, it's crazy how the guys in the video succeeded in retrieving Elwood(?) and were so happy.
And then I heard one of them say "September 11th, 2001" and I was like Hey, wasn't that the day of the attacks on the Twin Towers?!.
And then they pop back up from underwater and they heard the news.
It's like they just came back from a tragedy, to a tragedy.
So much coincidence it's pretty mad, I think.
All in all,
I guess theres something right and something wrong everyone could have done, you know what I'm saying?.
Such as perhaps if the captain had slowed the ship down as they were travelling at night, it wouldn't have gone so wrong so bad.
And Thomas Andrews should have took his stand and pressed on that they should take all the lifeboats with them.
I guess I respect people for their decisions and views, whether I agree or disagree, for what is done is done.
We just have to let life live itself, run its course.
You can find all types of theories and the could have happened or could have not happened, in all kinds of documentaries.
You could have your own views on the tragedy.
But I just really think Titanic was a great, great beauty and I'm glad I found this particular documentary, which allowed us all to really look at Titanic, or rather what is left of her.
This was what Titanic looks like in 1912.
And this is what she looks like today.
Really feel like watching Titanic 3D now.
Guess we learn something new everyday.
And now, it's time to revise some things I've aleady learned the past few years.
Good luck for everyone sitting for MYEs.
My heartfelt respect and condolences to those who lost their loved ones in the death of a dream.
Du vet jeg elsker deg.