Friday, 23 November 2012

O-ver!. :B

Ello guyses.
Alright I typed this post out a couple weeks ago but didn't want to post it yet cuz I wanted to add on some stuff.
But I sort of came to the point where I dont think I'll get it done, sooo yeah here goes!.
O's out doods!.
That means no more staying up late to study, no more waking up early to study and no more going out to study~!.
And hello youtube, shopping, sleep, cooking, baking and whatnot~!.
It does feel rather weird, though, the fact that I sort of no longer have the chance to "determine my future".
Like, you know, I used to "still have time to change something" and all those deep stuff.
Question is, what's my goal?.
What kind of results do I want?.
What do I want to do after I get my results?.
I am not a person who does things spontaneously, I like things planned first, and then I'll go with the flow.
So in my mind right now is just a little gazillion things I think about, whether I make it or not.
I realised how paranoid the examinations made me.
I kept checking my pockets, pencil case, time, everything every fifteen seconds.
But there's no more of that, and from now on, my posts will all be of O levels afterlife. :D
So right after the last paper, went for breakfast with the babes at Mr Teh Tarik.
Well, it's not much of a breakfast but more of a lunch, really.
Black Pepper Chikkin Rice & Iced Lime Syrup.
I ALWAYS drink Iced Lime Syrup whenever I go to Teh Tarik, dont know why.
Also, I never ever drink the soup I get when I buy Chikkin Rice.
Most of the time it just tastes like water.
Yes, I finish my food. :D
Baked that night to celebrate :3
Lemon Bars!.
I've wanted to bake these up since a year ago or something, but never really got to it cuz I'm not a hardcore lemon lover.
(And Mum warned me about them being super lemony haha)
But I decided to go for it because..just because.
And I LOVED it!.
Yes, when I took the first bite it was like BOOM lemon!.
But it was just so sour and the shortbread crust just balanced it out and it was addictive~!.
So try it e'rryone :P
The week later, went out with the Said Siblings for some waffles and icecream!.
I had Salted Caramel & Roasted Pistachios.
I love anything SC & Pistachios on ice cream~~~!.
And no I dont like sharing my waffles and ice cream, I'm sorry.
If I ever do, though, you must really be someone.
Grandma cooked Chikkin Rice on a weekend where The Dzuls came over and were just super cute.
They barged into my room while I was crafting something and started talking to me.
Then one of them looked up, saw my One Direction poster and started spazzing or something.
Hahaha "I know Zayn, Niall...umm.."
HAHAHA the cutest!.
Needless to say Afi was up to extreme mischief, Dzulkurry got an award from his school, did well for exams, they played Minecraft, ate everything they see..
Haha, love it when they're around :D
The next day, the sister Ezt got us cupcakes and satay~
I had my first legit Red Velvet Cupcake and I was not disappointed ^^
The satay was NOMZ too, gotta love satay!.
Then the next day was Deepavali, and the class was invited over to Mdm Pari's house to partay. Lulz.
Only ten out of forty came over ahahah.
Set out a little earlier (just a little) to get a little gift.
The person asked if I wanted to wrap the box up but I asked to borrow a pen instead.
The food was so awesome that I had two rounds (I never do).
The top right hand corner thingy was super nice too, she actually made it herself, and she told me how to do it, so I'm gonna.
The bottom left Muruku was homemade too!.
I LOVE Indian Food *_*

Headed over there with Qz after she finished working, and for the first time ever I actually arrived about the same time as the person I'm meeting. ^^ :D
It was just funny that everything got extremely fun, filled with laughter and screaming kids lol only when we started to chill with the kids.
This one's called Tanya, she's the elder sister.
She's surprisingly super easy to talk to hahah.
Lin: Your sister naughty or not?
Tanya: Sometimes good, sometimes naughty.
Lin: She loves you or not?
Tanya: She loves EVERYBODY!!!
Hahahahaha she also started tickling everyone's armpits and called me Baby Uncle and Sister Coconut lololol :'D

The only picture I snapped of Sasti, she was crying because she wasnt allowed to have another Ferrero Rocher.
She was supposed to hug me if she wanted me to open the box, but she kept giving it to Qz instead and hugged her thrice.
And when I took the box to get a hug, she would scream in anger and take it back LOLOLOL :D
Had a purrty good time, and they had nice outfits :D
So thanks for the awesome hospitality, food and fun Mdm Parimala!.
Hearts!. :3
Oh, also, Qz and I entered the wrong house/unit at first HAHAHA.
There were so many of them with the same number!!! T.T
Embarassing moment.
Today I baked the cupcakes I craved for.
Strawberry Cupcakes.
I loved the Vanilla ones better though.
 Next post should come faster than this one.
Have got some stuff to share with yall, places I've been and places I'm going.
(Mostly in-Singapore by the way)
Till then doods!.
Du vet jeg elsker deg.